This blog used to be a repository of selected information about my not-terribly-exciting life: my many rants, photos and stories about my cats, pictures of my nephew, amusing anecdotes.
Now, it has become Pet Food Recall Central. I am consumed by this topic - mostly because it has affected me so profoundly. But even if Marmalade hadn't died and Harry hadn't gotten sick, I would be all over this story. Because it's not just about some pets that died.
However. I feel like I need to apologize for focusing the blog on this subject. I realize that for a lot of people, it's not that interesting or even that important. And believe it or not, I understand and I respect that.
I should tell you that right before I got pulled into the fray, I was planning to shut down this blog. I was ready to do something new. I started deleting entries. I started drafting an announcement. And then - bang - four days later, I came home from work to find Marmalade half dead on the floor. And then I needed the blog more than ever.
So I'll probably stick around for awhile longer. I may start another blog devoted entirely to this subject. I don't know.
But I just want to let you know - your kind words, your email, and your support has meant so much to me. Thank you.